Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 2 ~ A little push

This morning I woke up sore. Not just my legs but my whole body ached. My first thought was since it is Mother's Day I should skip today's walk. But it is only day two and I knew that was going to be a bad choice. So after it cooled down in the afternoon my family and I set out for the park.

Five minutes into the walk my legs were throbbing and I was out of breath! Today the minutes seemed like hours. I honestly didn't think I was going to be able to keep going. Then I saw a rainbow in the sky. What a nice reminder that God's love is all around me. It gave me just the little push I needed to keep going. It was not easy to finish the 30 minutes but I did it and it actually felt good!


  1. Joining you on your journey! Today is day two for me. Lisa, we can hold hands through this. Struggle together, succeed together. My goals: 64oz water daily,3 healthy meals 2 healthy snacks and exercising at least 30 min. Sounds easy, but remembering when and what to eat is sooo hard. I had Brandon take before photos. Ugh, was it a rude awakening looking at them, but I have to see where I start and keep them as reminders of why I can't turn back.

    1. Yay!! I am excited you are doing this too! I love having someone to walk with on this journey. It sounds easy but it is not! Remembering when and what to eat is a big challenge for me too! I think that is going to be the hardest part for me. Taking photos before is a great idea. I think I am going to do that too. I didn't get to walk yesterday because I was dealing with Brianna. I hope to get a chance today.

  2. May is a crazy. The schools pack so much in during this time! Activities have been overlapping and I find myself on autopilot with Michael graduating to middle school, Derek going into 4th grade and PJ graduating from Kindergarten into full days in 1st grade. Meanwhile, Eli is high needs and keeping up on house work and errands is a miracle in itself. Finding these thirty minutes is hard this week, but if I can find the time right now, I will be able to find it any other time. This is when we find out what we are really made of! Idea: if you have about $10, get some ankle weights that Velcro on. I find that I can do leg lifts and whatever I can think of while cooking or doing my makeup or folding laundry.

    1. Wow! You are a busy lady! I am impressed you find the time. Right now I am made of sore legs and an achy back! I know I am just so out of shape the start is going to be the worst. Today felt a little better though. That is a great idea. I will have to try that. Thanks!
